About You: SMSFs
Setting Up Your Own Super Fund

Self Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs) offer compelling tax advantages. During the accumulation stage, they offer a 15% tax rate on income, and a very attractive 10% (maximum) tax on capital gains. For many of our Western Sydney clients, the merits of a SMSF are certainly worth careful consideration, and the ATP team is well qualified to help you to objectively weigh up the pros and cons of a SMSF for your particular situation.
Aside from the tax benefits, your SMSF will offer other advantages, including:
Incorporating family members into one super fund
Having control or input into investments, tax strategies, and estate planning
A wider investment choices (than managed funds)
The ability to pay an income stream from your SMSF
As a Trustee of your SMSF, however, you face a myriad of requirements to ensure that your Fund is both tax complaint and meets all regulatory rules.
We provide compliance support to your SMSF Trustees, including the preparation of financial statements, tax returns and audit. At ATP Tax Accountants we want to help you develop the strategies that will allow your fund’s members to best access their super in retirement, and to benefit from all available ‘transition to retirement’ strategies.
Our input into maximising financial growth from your SMSF investments will give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re protecting your future lifestyle. Our ATP Tax Accountants will:
Establish your SMSF
Provide superannuation audits
Advise on compliance matters
Advise on optimising your superannuation potential
Help you to manager risk versus return
Advise on the taxation benefits of estate planning, payment of retirement benefits, and death benefits
Help you to ensure that your SMSF delivers on your members’ lifestyle objectives
Advise on employer obligations
We know that receiving the right advice on your SMSF from the start delivers long term benefits. Our SMSF advisors provide personalised strategies for the creation and management of your SMSF, and tailor our services to fit your needs. We are on hand to advise you at every stop along the way.
Whether you need assistance with an existing SMSF or are considering creating one, we invite you to call us at ATP Tax Accountants on 02 9166 4996 / 0414 254 020, or email us any time.